Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD) is an anxiety disorder where a person is overly preoccupied with having or getting a medical illness or disease, despite having few or no symptoms. Illness Anxiety Disorder is a fairly recent term, previously referred to as hypochondriasis or hypochondria. Despite having no or only mildContinue Reading

Somatoform Symptom Disorder (SSD) is a mental disorder that occurs when an individual feels extremely exaggerated anxiety about physical symptoms – to a point where they feel they cannot perform some normal activities in their daily life. The Real Problem A person with SSD believes their medical problems are lifeContinue Reading

What is it like to grow old? To gauge our own understanding, take a few moments to take the following quick True/False quiz: Common Misconceptions The above statements are all false and among the common misconceptions about aging. The elderly are the world’s most rapidly growing population group. Life expectancyContinue Reading

Aging does not inevitably bring an end to engaging in challenging, rewarding activities. We are all aging. While you are reading this you have become the oldest you have ever been. To live is to grow older. That means we can all look back on our lives with satisfaction orContinue Reading