In addition to providing psychotherapy for the treatment of depression, anxiety and addiction, psychologists also diagnose health problems and provide preventive and disease management services for patients suffering both mental and physical disorders. The mind and body are linked, and mental disorders frequently co-exist with physical problems. Undetected Mental DisordersContinue Reading

Negative self-defeating thoughts are the basis of depression. Depressed people see themselves and the world around them – as well as the future – in negative terms. This occurs because of major distortions in thinking. The first distortion is selective perception i.e., perceving only certain stimuli in a larger array.Continue Reading

Many people live most of their lives coping with long periods of anxiety, stress, sadness, spiralling downward into unexplained unhappiness. Mental and physical exhaustion even approaches the level of clinical depression. Whether the reasons are a fast paced life or intense work responsibilites, financial strain, relationship problems or disillusionment withContinue Reading

Mindfulness is a Buddhist philosophy that looks at craving – our desire and pursuit of natural rewards, from chocolate to gambling to compulsive sex and addictive drugs – as the root of all our suffering. Mindfulness uses meditation to a great extent, as a mental process. The objective is toContinue Reading

Numerous psychological studies have shown that people who regularly meditate are happier and more content than average. These are not just significant results in themselves, they also have a huge medical significance. As such, positive emotions are linked to a longer and healthier life. Here are a few more startlingContinue Reading

Most of us take awareness for granted much the same way we take our eyesight, hearing and breathing for granted. But awareness is much more than a sense. Awareness is always with us. We don’t have to summon it. In fact, it is so close to us we hardly evenContinue Reading

Beginning a life of practicing Mindfulness requires taking the first step. It’s easy to say to yourself “I’ll start tomorrow when I feel better or this weekend when I have more time.” Why not start today? Start when you are at the market later buying some groceries. Remember that MindfulnessContinue Reading

An event can turn into anger if you let it, which can fester, and over time, harden into resentment and hatred. Resentment saps energy and becomes an entrapment that blocks emotional growth. Resentment can last a long time – months or years, even a lifetime. Think of how much happinessContinue Reading

We usually take breathing for granted. It sustains our life. When we breathe we take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide but we rarely think about the volume or the ratio of either, or whether we are even breathing properly. Perhaps you may have received a few breathing lessons whenContinue Reading