Self-blaming is simply finding fault with yourself. To hold yourself responsible for your actions when bad things happen to you. Ordinarily this would be an admirable quality. Knowing that you did something wrong is a useful lesson learned, so as not to repeat the same mistake. Guilt and self-blaming keepsContinue Reading

Our mood changes from day to day – even hour to hour. A period of happiness can quickly take a short-term dip, seemingly coming from out of the blue, and turn into a bad mood of sadness, anxiety, stress, unhappiness and irritability. We all suffer from short-term mood dips mostContinue Reading

Depression is the most studied disorder, because it affects so many people. As a result of thousands of studies, psychologists have been working to develop more effective ways to treat mood disorders. What characterizes depression is negativity. Depressed people are sensitive to negative happenings, expect negative outcomes, and more oftenContinue Reading