“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future;
it is something you design for the present.”
Jim Rohn
Behavior and Personality Disorders
It is estimated that between 9 and 13 percent of all adults in the United States have a personality disorder that lies within one or more of the ten major categories. It is entirely possible to have overlapping symptoms of the various personality disorders. making it very difficult to distinguish one disorder from another. Potentially this can lead to multiple diagnoses for a given client.
The personality classification page displays prominent and central features of these overlaps.
We all display personality traits. Occasionally they are so maladaptive, distressful and inflexible that they are considered problematic, requiring further investigation and possible therapy.
Do you find yourself avoiding social activities or seeing friends or family?
The following articles may be of help.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Panic Attacks with Agoraphobia
Do you find that you might be having identity issues or have difficulty adjusting to your surroundings or social activities?
The following articles may be helpful.
Dissociative Anonymous Personality
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
Disorders Of Childhood and Adolescence
A child’s life can be frightening and upsetting. Children in all socio-economic cultures experience at least some emotional and behavior problems as they enter school and experience new encounters with people, activities and family situations.
Children are faced with social and academic pressures, identity and self-esteem issues, school and neighborhood violence, personal insecurities, school bullies, drugs, alcohol and physical or sexual abuse or neglect at home. More than 70 percent of students have been a victim of actions by a bully at least once. The Internet has created an entire new breed of cyberbullying and humiliation by text or sexting messages, email and social media.
In addition, fully 20 percent of children and adolescents in North America have a diagnosable psychological disorder (Winter & Bienvenu, 2011; Steele et al, 2008).
Some disorders in children – anxiety disorders, depression and disruptive disorders – have adult counterparts and can persist throughout adulthood.
(c) Isha Sadhguru, The Isha Foundation. Used with permission.
(c) Isha Sadhguru, The Isha Foundation. Used with permission.
Disorders of Age and Cognition
Growing old in many ways can be more difficult than growing up as a child. Old age brings special pressures, unique upsets, financial worry, illness, doubt and the nearness of death.
Our aging population, those 65 and older, represents 16 percent of the total U.S. population and will increase to more than 83 million people by 2050 – more than 1.5 billion people globally. The number of people over the age of 85 in the U.S. will double in just the next 10 years.
Nearly 40 percent of adults over the age of 65 have three or more chronic illnesses and 25 percent have four or more (Durso Et al.,2010. Many lose their spouse, close friends, their favorite activities, their careers, even their favorite pet, as well as their purpose in life.
The stress of growing old need not necessarily result in psychological problems (Butler, 2010). In fact, many older people use the changes in life that come with aging along with their vast wealth of experiences as opportunities for learning, growth and exciting challenges.
(c) Isha Sadhguru, The Isha Foundation. Used with permission.
Do you or your loved-ones struggle with problems of aging?
The following articles may be helpful.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Lower Blood Pressure and Dementia
Alcohol and Alzheimer’s Disease
Caregiver Struggles with Alzheimer’s