Major DSM-IV-TR CategoriesDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (First & Pincus, 2002) Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood or Adolescence Mental Retardation – as Mild Mental Retardation Learning Disorders – as Reading Disorder Motor Skills Disorder – as Developmental Coordination Disorder Communication Disorder – as Stuttering Pervasive DevelopmentalContinue Reading

Sleep is an innate biological rhythm – a Bio-Rhythm – and is part of our homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process that regulates our body. It is like our body’s thermostat. It maintains a “steady state” of internal conditions, such as blood pressure, body temperature, hunger, hormone levels, our acid-based balance,Continue Reading

Hypersomnia Excessive daytime sleepiness, most common during adolescence due to rapid physical changes during puberty, increases the need for sleep. This can also be the result of one or a combination of sleep apnea, depression, insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep drunkenness, periodic limb movements, drug abuse, or other problems. Insomnia Difficulty gettingContinue Reading

Although we live in a complex world filled with uncertainty, especially at times like this, there are things you can do, starting today,  to take control of your life. Uncontrollable Uncertainty Coping with personal difficulties, uncertainty over the economy, employment, finances, relationships, and of course, your physical and mental healthContinue Reading

Many people are able to pick themselves up and carry on with their lives, even after experiencing an emotional situation such as an unloved or abusive childhood; the death of a family member; rejection by someone special; job loss; legal or financial difficulties; or a traumatic event.  However, picking oneselfContinue Reading is a practical, self-help online tool that people use to address and understand a wide spectrum of mental health issues. From anger, addiction, anxiety, and depression, to behavior, dieting and eating disorders, relationship and employment issues, grief, parenting, purpose and motivation… and so much more.  Identify and Understand UsingContinue Reading

How many people are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on with their lives after experiencing the death of a family member, rejection by someone special, a job loss, an unloved childhood, or a traumatic event? Picking oneself up doesn’t mean the emotions are healed though.Continue Reading

Peripartum Depression affects up to 6 percent of women during pregnancy, and is a Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Postpartum Depression occurs in the first year following delivery.  It is also estimated that 50 percent of all MDD episodes actually begin prior to delivery or postpartum. For this reason, all incidentsContinue Reading

Exhibitionistic Disorder is a mental health condition, a Paraphilia marked by the need to indecently expose one’s genitals to others, typically unsuspecting strangers caught off guard, in an attempt to gain some self-sexual gratification.  Young and Older Men The vast majority of people who exhibit these tendencies are young adultContinue Reading