The definitions and discussions of the various Paraphilic Disorders, like those of Sexual Dysfunctions, while adult in nature, are also strongly influenced by the norms of the particular society in which they occur. (Bhugra et al., 2010) Some clinicians argue that paraphilic behaviors should be considered only when other individualsContinue Reading

The American Psychiatric Society’s categorization of gender dysphora in its DSM-5 is controversial. (Sennott, 2011; Dannecker 2010) Many people believe that transgender experiences reflect alterative rather than pathological ways of experiencing one’s gender identity. There is even an argument that transgender experiences that bring about unhappiness should not be consideredContinue Reading

People with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, just as those afflicted with the more commonly known Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), are overly preoccupied with perfection, order and control – at the expense of losing all flexibility, openness and efficiency. (APA 2013) Their obsession for doing everything “right” impairs their productivity. They become soContinue Reading

People who display Paranoid Personality Disorder are extremeley suspicious, and deeply distrust other people and their motives. (APA, 2013) They have a deep belief that everyone intends to cause them harm, so they avoid close relationships, are socially withdrawn and often remain isolated and alone. They are always on guardContinue Reading

Cacodemonia is defined in physchology as a pathological belief in which the patient is convinced they are inhabited or possessed by a wicked entity or evil spirit. In Plato’s Greece, “daemons” were often invisible and were believed to be constituted of material unlike human or animal. They could be goodContinue Reading