Type A people tend to be extremely competitive and self critical. They constantly strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. Check the items that apply to you.
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Are You a Type A?
If most of this list applies to you, you might be a Type A. However, confirmation of your type would require more powerful testing methods. They key psychological factors that increase heart disease risk appear to be anger, hostility and mistrust. Type A behavior appears to promote heart disease, depression, or distress and may be what triggers a heart attack. Because modern society places a premium on achievement, competition and mastery, it is not surprising that many people develop Type A personalities.
Be Kinder and More Trusting
The best way to avoid self-made stress is to develop behaviors thart are opposite to the list above. Studies have shown that stress can be reduced by trusting the motives of others, reducing feelings of hostility, anger, rage and irritation, and learning to be kinder and more considerate. It is entirely possible to succeed in life without sacrificing your health or happiness.
This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.
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