Talking fast and furiously, spending money carelessly, thinking one has great abilities or supernatural talents, and having mood swings between extreme highs and lows are all sure signs of a bipolar mood disorder. A different form of depression. While this report is not a diagnosis, it may be helpful inContinue Reading

Adjustment Disorders occur when ordinary stress pushes people beyond their limits, causing an inability to cope with life. During the last century, the term “nervous breakdown” was used to describe people suffering from anxiety-based problems that caused them misery. Actually, the term “nervous breakdown” never had a formal meaning.  However,Continue Reading

Anger is a complex human emotion that can automatically trigger the fight component of your nervous system’s fight-or-flight response. It is the emotion that signals when you feel personally threatened and the emotion that can cause your blood to “boil.” It is also the emotion that expresses the combative sideContinue Reading