You have gone through a lot, particularly a great many painful emotions. Why not take a long, deep mindful breath and reflect on what you’ve survived? Give yourself the gift of love and tell yourself “May I be happy and fulfilled in the future that I create.” This report is notContinue Reading

Assess your own level of self-esteem by honestly answering these questions. Think about how you feel most of the time. If you answered most of these questions by checking “yes,” your self-esteem could probably use a tune-up. If you answered most of these questions by checking “yes,” you probably haveContinue Reading

When your mood is gloomy, and your thinking preoccupied, life as a whole seems depressing. When you let your mood brighten your thinking broadens, becoming more playful and creative (Fredrickson, 2003). Happy Helpers When we feel happy, we’re more ready to help other people. In study after study, a mood-boostingContinue Reading

There seems to be no question that everyone wants happiness. But how does one define happiness? And should the pursuit of happiness be our only goal? Maturity comes from using our minds to navigate our emotions and behaviors so that we can consider what actions we can take to makeContinue Reading

Happiness doesn’t depend on some outside situation. It is a decision that you make. You can experience happiness just by talking about it. If birds sitting on a tree branch singing make you happy then go outside and listen to them sing. If freshly baked bread makes you happy thenContinue Reading

Ecstasy is a state of extreme and rapturous emotional excitement. The study of “positive psychology” concentrates on finding ways to achieve a good and happy life rather than merely alleviating the misery of depression and anxiety. Central to this concept is the achievement of “flow.” When we engage in anContinue Reading

Most psychology is focused largely on alleviating unhappy conditions rather than creating and promoting happiness. According to Martin Seligman, one of the founders of Positive Psychology, there are three kinds of happy life: The “good” life, a life that pursues personal growth, successfully engaged in relationships, work, play and achievingContinue Reading