The definitions and discussions of the various Paraphilic Disorders, like those of Sexual Dysfunctions, while adult in nature, are also strongly influenced by the norms of the particular society in which they occur. (Bhugra et al., 2010) Some clinicians argue that paraphilic behaviors should be considered only when other individualsContinue Reading

Sexual Dysfunctions are far more common than most people realize. Many people seek sexual counseling, for one or more of the following types of problems (DSM-IV, 2000; Heiman, 2002): Desire Disorders – the individual has little or no sexual motivation. Arousal Disorders – the person desires sexual activity, but isContinue Reading

Help is available for people who have problematic sexual behavior problems by identifying specific distortions in each of the ten types of behaviors. This makes it easier to understand compulsive online sexual behavior as an intimacy problem, as well as an addiction. If you are struggling with compulsive online sexualContinue Reading

The word desire is one of the basic terms in psychology that covers a wide range of phenomena such as wanting, needing, craving and wishing. All of these are discussed in connection with theories of instinct and emotion, libido and love, motivation and purpose. All of Us Have Desires AccordingContinue Reading

The American Psychiatric Society’s categorization of gender dysphora in its DSM-5 is controversial. (Sennott, 2011; Dannecker 2010) Many people believe that transgender experiences reflect alterative rather than pathological ways of experiencing one’s gender identity. There is even an argument that transgender experiences that bring about unhappiness should not be consideredContinue Reading

The word Fetish, meaning an object that causes sexual arousal or a source of sexual satisfaction, is attributed to Alfred Binet (1857-1911), an early pioneer of psychology who is best known for his studies of human intelligence, learning  and mental abilities as well as developing the earliest I.Q. tests. EarlyContinue Reading

Frotteuristic Disorder is a mental health condition. A paraphilia in which a person derives sexual pleasure or gratification by moving or rubbing himself, or his genitalia, against another non-consenting person, usually in an overly crowded elevator, bus, subway or other public place.  Frotteuristic Disorder generally occurs with men at anyContinue Reading

Some individuals derive intense and recurring sexual arousal from dressing in clothes of the opposite sex. Also known as cross-dressing or transvestism. This arousal is often accompanied by fantasies, urges, or behaviors. (APA, 2013, 2012) Mostly Men The typical individual with transvestic disorder is almost always a heterosexual male whoContinue Reading

Voyeuristic Disorder is a mental condition, a paraphilia marked with a preoccupation with fantasies and acts that involve observance of people who are naked or engaged in grooming or sexual activity. What once was simply the classic “Peeping Tom” has been greatly impacted by technology and has migrated and morphedContinue Reading