Any discussion of Personality can not begin without a thorough understanding of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), neurologist and psychoanalysist, who laid the foundation of early psychoanalysis. His ideas and work were pioneering and still remain influential to this day.  According to Freud, Personality is a dynamic system in all of us,Continue Reading

A personality disorder is a mental disorder involving rigid, unhealthy patterns of thinking, functioning and behaving. Personality disorders cause major problems in relationships, employment, social activities and school. Individuals with personality disorders may not even be aware they have a problem because their thoughts and behaviors seem normal to them.Continue Reading

Histrionic Personality Disorder is a mental disorder in a group of conditions known as “Cluster B” or dramatic personality disorders. The literal definition of the word histrionic is dramatic or theatrical. Individuals with this disorder usually have intense, highly unstable emotions and self-image. Their self-esteem changes dramatically depending on theContinue Reading

Yes, it is possible that you can fight mild depression without the use of drugs, without tricks, without feeling weak or hopeless and beat it. It happens everyday. Over two thousand years ago, Epictetus, (1st and early 2nd centuries C.E.), a philosopher in ancient Greece, proclaimed that “men are disturbedContinue Reading