The word Meditation comes from the same Tibetan verbal root as “habituate” or “familiarize.” In English, it means to contemplate or ponder. So in meditation we attempt to habituate ourselves to valuable ways of viewing ourselves and the surrounding world. We also seek to familiarize ourselves with, or contemplate anContinue Reading

By Isha Sadhguru Everyone aspires to success. Have you ever felt that it comes more easily to some than to others? If you have always felt success is elusive, perhaps it’s time to try something new. Here are 10 tips for success mantras from Sadhguru that are useful tips inContinue Reading

It is important to appreciate all of those people who have taught and helped you throughout your life. With their help you developed skills that you might not otherwise have had. Appreciate all those things you used to take for granted. Your family, all of your friends and neighbors, theContinue Reading

Most people are not living in the here and now. They may be sitting at their desk, working in a shop, or doing their laundry, but chances are their minds are somewhere else. They may be thinking about weekend plans, a conversation they had yesterday, or what to eat forContinue Reading

Mindfulness Meditation has been practiced by Buddhists and others throughout most of the world for twenty-five hundred years, but only recently in the western world and only in the United States since the 1960s. Mindfulness is more than meditation however. Mindfulness Meditation transforms a person’s awareness into focusing on theContinue Reading

One of the beautiful aspects of Mindfulness Meditation is that it can be done anywhere whenever you have a few uninterrupted minutes. The White Room Meditation is a five-minute exercise of watching your thoughts come and go. A simple practice of observing your mind at work. The Room Imagine youContinue Reading

Transcendental Meditation (TM), just as mindful meditation has at its core ancient knowledge from Indian writings, some of the oldest traditions in the world. Prior to its introduction to the United States in 1959 by Maharuishi Mahesh Yogi, people in the western world were skeptical that the practice of meditationContinue Reading

Since 1987, articles written on selected negative emotions have outnumbered those on positive emotions by seventeen to one.  New studies of happiness and health have demonstrated a shift from learned helplessness and depression to optimism and thriving. Positive psychology is an all-encompassing phrase that describes the study of positive characterContinue Reading

Beginning at a very early age, our ability to find meaning, purpose, happiness and love in our lives is made difficult by the introduction of our “ideal self,” as opposed to our authentic “real self,” the self we were born with. Demands of Society This ideal self, as proposed byContinue Reading

You have gone through a lot, particularly a great many painful emotions. Why not take a long, deep mindful breath and reflect on what you’ve survived? Give yourself the gift of love and tell yourself “May I be happy and fulfilled in the future that I create.” This report is notContinue Reading