Addiction: The compulsive need for, and use of, a habit-forming substance (such as heroin, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, or other) characterized by well-defined psychological symptoms upon withdrawal. Also persistent, compulsive use of a substance or behavior known by the user to be harmful. Integral: Essential to a person’s completeness, formed asContinue Reading

Many people eat mindlessly, without thinking about what they’re doing. When eating becomes automatic you barely even taste the food, or know how much you’re consuming. As a result, people eat too much of all the wrong foods. If you are stressed or depressed it gets worse, leading to aContinue Reading

Anything that disrupts our normal sleep affects our sleep-wake cycle. This can lead to an imbalance in sleep Homeostasis and Circadian Cycles. For many people, poor sleep constitutes a serious medical problem. Doctors describe and treat nearly one hundred different sleep disorders. Each year more than 40 million Americans sufferContinue Reading